809-523-8115 Ext 8215-8045

Gulf States Caribbean Pro-Am - JANUARY 15 - JANUARY 19, 2025

Gulf States Caribbean Pro-Am

Casa de Campo JANUARY 15 - JANUARY 19, 2025

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Golfer/Non-Golfers Information

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1Please select the number of


2 To add an extra night please click on the date you wish to edit.

Golfer/Non-Golfers Information

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* p/p = Per Person

Pro Am Policy:

  • Each Professional will receive $1000 US dollars appearance fee for bringing a complete team, (3 paying amateurs) each amateur must purchase a golf package. If a professional does not have a complete team they will not receive any portion of the $1000 dollars.
  • Each Professional will receive a complementary stay for bringing a complete team of golfers, (3 paying amateurs) three amateurs that purchase a golf package. If a professional only has two paying amateurs, the professionals stay will still be covered but they will not receive any portion of the 1K appearance fee. If they only have one (1) paying professional the professional will have to pay 1/3 of professional package price.
    • If three amateurs purchases three non-golfer packages, the professional will be allowed to bring one non golfer at no charge in a shared room with the professional. This same policy goes for extra nights. If a team does not have non golfers but the pro would like to bring a plus one in a shared room or stay extra nights, professional pricing is available. Extra Nights are based on availability:

If Professionals Don't have a complete Team, Rates Below:

Professional Golfer Single

$    2,059.00

Professional Golfer Double

$    1,585.00

Professional Ext. Night Single

$       365.00

Professional Ext. Night Double

$       260.00